Datafy Pixel Implementation Guidelines
Datafy Website Pixel
Datafy’s website pixel is a JavaScript snippet that captures a session ID, records the timestamp, and records basic information including IP address, and associated acquisition details. Currently, when a website visit occurs, we attempt to place a cookie (when applicable) to identify a repeat ID in our reporting to help determine unique reach.
Datafy collects this data pursuant with a browser or device’s privacy settings; for example, if they are blocking cookies, we do not place a cookie. We anticipate phasing out cookies when it no longer is allowed by Chrome. Data collected is anonymized and aggregated to maintain ethical reporting and to respect users’ privacy.
By default, Datafy’s website pixels are used to inform advertisers of:
- Sessions
- Unique Reach
- Traffic acquisition source (where traffic came from)
- IP Address
- Browser and device type information
- Attribution metrics
In addition, Datafy’s website pixels may be configured upon request to capture additional data such as:
- On-page conversion events
- Audience segment IDs for campaign retargeting
Get a website pixel
Before launching a program, you will need to request a customized script be created by Datafy for the program. If you have not yet started a program, reach out to your customer experience representative or contact us to get started.
Your base code contains elements specific to your custom program. Here is an example of the code you will need to place on your website:
<!-- Start Datafy Pixel Snippet -->
<!-- End Datafy Pixel Snippet -->
On page load and close, this code will send information about the user and session to Datafy servers. This data also enables our basic visitor attribution tracking.
Install your pixel
For best results, this pixel should be placed on every page of your website (and on every version, if required, including desktop, mobile, and tablet). We recommend you add this to the global header of your website to fire on every page or any other element that is loaded on every page if you don't utilize a global header. You can place this pixel through a third-party tags manager or directly on-page between the opening and closing <head> tags on every page.
Placing the tags directly on-page between the opening and closing <head> tags (rather than through a tags manager) improves our tracking capabilities and the likelihood that your website visitors are captured before they leave the site, as it avoids latent third-party code blocking and delays in loading external containers.
To place your pixel based on our best practices:
- Pixel code should be copied and placed as plain text with any formatting stripped prior to implementing on the website
- Pixel should be placed to fire on every page (global header recommended)
- Pixel should be placed directly on the target website
- Pixels should only be placed one time to avoid duplicated event tracking
Verify your pixel
Once a pixel is placed, reach out to your Datafy representative to ensure we see it firing as expected based on your program’s setup.
Troubleshooting your pixel
Some common reasons your pixel is not firing as expected may include:
Known Issue | Common Fix |
Text Formatting or character conversion is breaking the code | Copy and paste the pixel from plain text with no formatting applied |
Third-party code blockers are stopping the code from loading | Remove the pixel from the tags manager container and place directly in the site code on-page |
Running into a different, or other issues? | Reach out to your Datafy representative if you have trouble installing your pixel. |
Privacy recommendations
We recommend you review your website’s privacy guidelines and user information to ensure the data collected by this pixel is covered by your current Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy and compliant with any policies that govern your business operations prior to placing the pixel and collecting data for attribution.