Datafy Pixel Implementation Guidelines
Datafy can expand attribution insights to clients’ owned channels and external digital media placements beyond Datafy’s programmatic platform. Pixeling your digital media placements and your owned channels can provide insights about visitors who saw your ads and showed up in market.
Learn more about Datafy AttributionWhat can we pixel and track?
Datafy's cookie-less solution does not experience a significant difference in trackability whether pixels are placed direct/or site-served through a third party ad server on
- Mobile
- Web
- Desktop
- In App
What insights will we see?
Pixeling your digital media placement can provide insights about visitors who saw your ads and showed up in market. Some insights our attribution reporting can show include:
- Who are my visitors?
- Top origin markets
- Demographics (age, income, etc)
- Trip length
- Top points of interest
- Top performing channels
How does reporting work?
Data captured via attribution pixels will be published within 2 months of the program’s initial launch, and data will continue to feed into a live reporting dashboard weekly to help measure the effectiveness of your adds. Read more about Datafy’s visitor attribution methodology here.