All data provided is for Teton County, WY. Visitors are defined as having a home location of 150+ miles from the center of Teton county and also excludes commuters who are seen more than 8x a month and visitors who are seen longer than 14 days. Geolocation data is based off the captured sample size of devices within the area geofenced and then statistically modeled to estimate visitor volumes. The data provides insights into behavior patterns of visitors. Estimates are not foot traffic counters. There are data limitations. To be picked up in geolocation data, a person must be within the footprint of the area while actively using an application on their mobile device with the geolocation privacy setting turned on. The Datafy data is dynamic and will change from time to time as data providers and regulations shift and as improvements to the geolocation algorithms are made. Learn more

Data reflects visitation between 01.01.24 - 12.31.24 unless otherwise noted on the visual